Soil, Water Testing Laboratory Unit

Sl.No. Description of Unit Details
1 Year of Establishment 2005
2 Size of the unit 30 x 15 feet (450 Sqft)
3 Capacity of Lab (Nos) 1200 Nos/year
4 No. of soil samples analysed 8902
5 No. of water samples analysed 670
6 No. of water samples analysed 101
7 No. of farmers Benefitted 8236
Soil Water Testing Centre

Soil, Water and Plant diagnosis testing service is functioning at the administrative block of KVK for the benefit of farming community. The Soil, Plant and Water testing laboratory was established on 6th May 2005 with the help of Indian Council of Agriculture Research(ICAR), New Delhi for the benefit of farming community of Thiruvannamalai district of TamilNadu.The laboratory is well equipped with several modern instruments for analyzing the nutrients in soil, plant and water and also to assess the quality of water for irrigation purpose.

Soil and Water

SOIL : Soul Of Infinite Life

The laboratory provides information on soil testing, fertilizer recommendation, reclamation of problematic soils, compost preparation, waste recycling for maximizing the productivity by maintaining soil health. It also facilitates training on soil, plant and water testing for different targeted groups

Plant Health Diagnostic Laboratory (PHDL)

Testing the plant health is highly useful technique to identify the problematic pest, non-pest, disease and nematodes and their precise management practices. This will assist you to manage the crop healthily as well as minimization ecological deterioration. Improve the health and profitability of your crop, nursery enterprise with the Plant Health Diagnostic Laboratory (PHDL).

Analytical Charges for the Analysis of soil and water sample and consultancy for farmers in Soil, Plant and Water testing laboratory

Sl.No. Nature of sample Analysis Charges/ sample
1 Soil pH, EC, OC & NPK and Recommendation Rs.50/-
2 Soil pH, EC, OC & NPK, Micronutrients and Recommendation Rs.250/-
3 Soil Physical properties – Soil texture, Soil colour & Porosity Rs.500/-
4 Water pH, EC, Anions (Chlorides, Sulphates, Carbonates, Bicarbonates), Cations (Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium) and Recommendation Rs.100/-