Success Stories of KVK
Successfull technologies are documented and disseminated through various media for the benefit of the farmers. Some of the most significant achievement of the farmers and their experience are shared for the followers.
IIHR Micronutrient Mixture : A real yield booster in vegetable crops
In Thiruvannamalai district, the area under vegetable crops is 12423 ha. The major vegetable crops cultivated in the district are cucurbits (Cucumber, Gourd, Watermelon, pumpkin), solanaceous vegetables (Brinjal, Bhendi, Tomato, Chilli), and leafy vegetables. The vegetable growing has been one of the main sources of income for larger number of farmers in the district.
Area spread
4260 ha
Demonstration by OFT and FLDs : 40
527 farmers
Training : 132
1547 farmers
Extension activities : 36
2415 farmers
Most significant Success stories
Blackgram VBN 11-Enhanced productivity through improved technologies
Mr.K. Krishnan S/o Mr. Kuppan aged 50 from Marudhadu village of Vandavasi block is holding one hectare. He has been adopting old blackgram varieties in one hectare and got poor yield. His net income is also not upto the expected level. He didn’t know the improved varieties and new technologies and he had no idea about use of micronutrients and herbicides.
He had attended four training programme on ICM in pulses. Training covers seed treatment practices, irrigation management, weed management, nutrient management and pest, disease management practices. The farmer was taught about the recent practices like seed treatment, plant population maintenance, use of pulse wonder and soil health based nutrition. With the proper guidance of KVK, he got an idea to improve the yield and income by reducing the cost of inputs.
Following the guidance given by our scientists he started the cultivation of high yielding blackgram variety VBN 11 the yield increased to 7.89 quintals and net income raised to Rs. 41,120/- and he also involved in seed production of black gram. By witnessing the economic benefits achieved by this farmer, the variety spread to 120 farmers in his locality. The variety got spread in 230 ha in his surrounding locality.

Direct sown paddy cultivation using Drum Seeder in Thiruvannamalai district
Paddy is an important food crop in our district and growing in an area of 170608 ha in both the season. The conventional method leads to high investment cost, non availability and higher costs on labour at the critical crop stages resulted higher cost of cultivation and yield reduction.
The Paddy Drum Seeder plays a vital role in bringing the true mechanization in paddy cultivation. As there is no need for nursery preparation, the farmers can save the costs on nursery raising, transplanting and weeding. The KVK had conducted 8 FLDs, 37 training programmes, 4 FFS and 11 awareness programmes on DST technology using drum seeder since 2014. A total of 1126 farmers benefitted directly through the KVK activities and 71970 farmers benefitted indirectly.

Blackgram VBN 8-Enhanced productivity
Mr.S.Sekar S/o Mr. Subburayan aged 45 from Kilsembedu village of Vandavasi block is holding one hectare. He has been cultivating old blackgram varieties and got yield of nearly 6 Qtl. His net income was Rs.26,800. He didn’t adopt any new technology and he had no idea about use of any micronutrients and herbicides. He didn’t satisfy by his regular income. So, he approached KVK for training programmes.
He had attended five training programme on ICM in pulses. Training covers seed treatment practices irrigation management, weed management, nutrient management and pest and disease management practices. The VBN8 blackgram variety has been introduced to the farmer with improved practices. Usage of manures and fertilizers, preparation of bio inputs were also recommended. With the proper guidance of KVK, he got an idea to improve the yield and income by reducing the cost of critical inputs.
By witnessing the economic benefits achieved by this farmer, other farmers are also showing interest in organic inputs in their fields to reduce the cost of inputs and to increase the quantity and quality of products. Due to positive result of the variety a total of 124 farmers used the same variety and got guidance from the KVK for the increased yield and income. As a result, the yield increased to 9 quintals and net income raised to Rs. 48,200/- and he also involved in seed production.

Enhancement of income through pandhal system of ridge gourd cultivation
Shri. Varadhan S/o. Subbarayan, aged 51 is a vegetable farmer in Kilsembedu village of Vandavasi taluk in Thiruvannamalai district. He grows vegetables like snake gourd, bitter gourd, Ribbed gourd have been cultivated on commercial scale.
However, the income of the gourd farmer was not that much satisfactory in the village during previous years, due to fluctuation in yield level of gourds and increased cost of cultivation as a result of problems like High male flowers, Lack of micro nutrition, Late flowering, Imbalanced nutrition, Higher incidence fruit fly & sucking pests and diseases, Lack of adoption of improved production practices and Repeated use of own seeds of gourds.
By seeing the intensive agrarian nature of the village, the KVK, Thiruvannamalai taken it as a prime village in implementing various activities for enhancing the income of the farmers especially gourd growers. The details of activities like training, FLD, Farm advisory service, Exhibition etc.,
As a result of adoption of improved technologies, effective utilization of resources and market demand driven production approach, he succeeded in ridge gourd cultivation by obtaining an yield of 435.39 Q/ha which was 27.60 percent higher when compared to average yield obtained by other farmers in the locality. It has been assessed that the level of technological adoption has been 88% as per the surveys and group discussion conducted by the KVK. as a result, the technologies have spread to a significant extent in the locality and are being adopted by about 210 farmers in 230 acres of land.

Enhancement of income through improved banana farming
Shri. Karunakaran S/o. Kannan is a banana farmer in Padavedu village of Polur taluk in Thiruvannamalai district. He owns 4 acre of land. Banana has been cultivated in 3 acre of land. The productivity of banana started declining and the cost of cultivation was on increasing trend which was mainly due to severe incidence of pest and diseases and nutrition problems. It was during the time, his village selected as operational village for the KVK interventions.
He adopted below mentioned technologies with technical backup of KVK.
As a result of adoption of improved technologies, obtaining an yield of 645.66 Q/ha which was 26.75 percent higher when compared to average yield obtained by other farmers in the locality. He obtained an income of Rs.516528 ha-1 in banana cultivation. An additional net gain of Rs. of Rs.209791. As a result, the technologies have spread over an area of 155 acre and 125 man days of additional employment is generated for each hectare increase in area.

TANUVAS Aseel Poultry rearing
In poultry sector impressive growth has been achieved in intensive poultry meat production in India but rural poultry sector remained restricted due to less research and low production potential nature of native breeder chicken. Mr.Chandrabose an innovative farmer from Kilnelli village of Vembakkam Block, Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu was successful in backyard poultry farming with TANUVAS Aseel chicken.
ICAR KVK implemented a FLD programmes and on campus training on Backyard poultry farming by, handling and brooding, feeding, disease management, hatchery operation and chick management including scientific method of backyard poultry farming with TANUVAS Aseel chicken. KVK, Thiruvannamalai has selected him and gave Input like TANUVAS Aseel one month old chicks (20+5) was supplied.
As a result, the farmer had obtained good revenue. He can get more income through backyard poultry rearing with improved varieties of chicken. A total of 45 farm families are rearing TANUVAS Aseel chicken under backyard condition. In the district, more than 500 farmers are rearing TANUVAS Aseel chicken under backyard condition.

Economic upliftment through Millets and pulses based entrepreneurial activity
Mrs.S.Bhuvaneshwari, 45 aged, a dedicated and women farmer cum entrepreneur, from the village Chithathur of Vembakkam block. She is having 3.0 acres of land. Though she was cultivating paddy, groundnut and pulses in her farm regularly, she was not getting the expected income in all crops. so she was decided other alternative regular income generation activities. She is also an active member of Cheyyar Farmers Producers company from 2015.
She approached KVK team and got detailed explanation and training on millet and pulses based convenience foods.
After completion of trainings, she started collecting all the information through SMS-Home Science and finally she has decided to
start millet based products production unit as a group in her own house on trial basis.
Initially they were facing the problems on purchase of packing materials, obtain FSSAI license, labeling and
marketing. The KVK provided technical support to the group for sourcing packing materials, licensing and branding. Moreover, linkage to suppliers (KVK farmers),
traders and licensing authorities was also established by KVK for running business effectively by the group.
After making all arrangements, they started the production unit in their village during March 2017.
Initially they sold their products Uzhavar Sandhai and other meetings conducted by Line Departments regularly.
Now they standardized all their products by use of quality raw materials during processing,
preparation under hygienic condition, packing and labeling.
Now they have regularly preparing 150 kg/month of Instant mix, 50 kg of millet cookies/month,
30 kg of millet murukku/month and 25 kg pulses laddu/month and selling their entire products.
They are getting the net income of Rs. 35,150.00/month by spending Rs.26,100.00