On Farm Testing 2024

On Farm Testing (OFT) aims at testing a new technology or an idea in farmer’s field under farmer’s management using farmer’s own practice as control. On Farm Testing is conducted either for Assessment or refinement of a technology.

S.NO. Crops/Enterprises Technology to be Assessed/refined No. of Trails. Area (ha)
1 Millet Assessment of Finger millet varieties for higher yield 5 2
2 Blackgram Assessment of Drought management strategies for improving yield in Blackgram 5 2
3 Millet and Blcakgram Assessment of Finger millet intercropping with blackgram 5 2
4 Maize Assessment of Maize Hybrid varieties for higher productivity 5 2
5 Brinjal Assessment of Brinjal varieties for higher productivity 5 2
6 Tomato Assessment of Improved Hybrids for higher productivity in tomato 5 2
7 Bhendi Assessment of Bhendi hybrids for increased productivity 5 2
8 Cassava Assessment of nutrient formulation for higher productivity in cassava 5 2
9 Paddy Assessment of IDM practices for the management of false smut disease in rice 5 2
10 Groundnut Assessment of IDM practices for Groundnut root rot disease 5 2
11 Tomato Assessment of biological methods for the management of root knot nematode in Tomato 5 1
12 Tuberose Assessment of bioinoculants against tuberose root knot nematode 5 2
13 Cow Assessment of anionic powder for milk fever in High yielding milch cow 5 -
14 Lambs Assessment of Milk fat modulator in milch cow 5 -