Front Line Demonstrations 2024

Front Line Demonstration is a concept of field demonstration evolved by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research during the inception of Technology Mission on Oil seeds Crops during mid-eighties. The field demonstrations conducted under the close supervision of scientists of the National Agriculture Research System is called front-line demonstrations because the technologies are demonstrated for the first time by the scientist themselves before being fed into the main extension system of the State Department of Agriculture.

S.NO. Crops/Enterprises Technology to be Demonstrated No. of Demos. Area (ha)
1 Paddy Demonstration of Paddy variety RNR 15048 10 4
2 Redgram Demonstration of Redgram variety CO 8 10 4
3 Groundnut Demonstration of TNAU vigour plus seed booster (Groundnut) 10 4
4 Sugarcane Demonstration of Sugarcane Booster 10 4
5 Ridgegourd Demonstration of Ridge gourd variety MDU 1 10 2
6 Bottle gourd Demonstration of Bottle gourd variety PLR 2 10 2
7 Bhendi Demonstration of CSR grow sure inoculants in bhendi 10 4
8 Chilli Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management in Chilli 10 2
9 Paddy Demonstration on IPDM in Paddy 10 4
10 blackgram Demonstration of mung bean yellow mosaic virus resistant black gram Variety LBG 884 10 4
11 Groundnut Demonstration of Wild Boar Bio-Repellent in Groundnut 10 4
12 Chilli Demonstration of IPDM in Chilli 10 2
13 Goat Demonstration of Nano Heal Cream in Goat 10 -
14 Cow Demonstration of Megatex spray for management of Ectoparasite in Cow 10 -
15 Poultry Demonstration of Star Chicken under backyard condition 10 -
16 Cow Demonstration of TANUVAS GRAND to improve milk production in Cow 10 -
17 Enterprises Demonstration of sugar cane Jam 5 -
18 Value addition Demonstration on millet based value added products – EDP mode 5 -
19 Value addition Demonstration on nutrient dense ready to use (RTU) multigrain mix 5 -