Technical posters
Krishi Vigyan Kendra are disseminating the various technologies in agri and allied fields for creating awareness by presenting technical posters for the benefit of the farmers and farm women.
Technical posters for farmers
- TANU Crop Boosters
- Cultivation technology for pearl millet
- Cultivation technology for little millet
- Stem borer management in paddy
- Method of soil sampling procedure
- Application and its usage of Trichoderma viride
- Deworming in livestock
- Deworming in poultry
- Herbal medicine for Komari disease in cow
- Lumpy Skin disease management in cow
- Integrated Farming System
- Profitable Organic farming
- Value addition in groundnut
- Nutritive value of millets
- Application and its Vegetable special micro nutrients
- Improved paddy variety CO52
- Honey bee rearing