Sale of inputs and products for farmers
KVKs estableished a Sales counter for selling of seeds, planting materials, bio inputs, livestock, poultry and value added products for distributing to the farmers in right time and season in affortable cost for the benefit of the farming community.
The certified seeds are available for the farmers.
- Groundnuts
- Blackgram
- Paddy
- Millets
- Fodder seeds
Planting materials
The quality plants saplings, graftings, seedlings are available for the farmers.
- Fruits saplings
- Coconut seedlings
- Forest seedlings
- Fodder slips
- Ornamentals
Bio inputs
The quality bio inputs, organic inputs, manures are available for the farmers.
- Vermicompost & Worms
- Vegetable special nutrients
- Bio agents
- Organic boosters
The quality livestock and poultry breeds are available for the farmers.
- Chicks
- Poultry birds
- Quail
- Eggs
Value added products
The value added products are available for ready to use.
- Instant mix, powder
- Honey
- Pickles
- Bakery products
Custom Hiring Centre
KVK is supplying various implements and farm equipments for benefit of the farmers.
- Paddy drum seeder
- Cono weeder
- Decordicator
- Oil extractor